Retail Security Systems | DesignFriends

Retail Security System

Retail Security System

Anti-theft solutions that secure and power tablets, phones, watches, headphones, speakers, laptops and other equipment according to the needs of the location, specially designed to protect goods, staff and even customers of a store while it is open to the general public. They also have the role of intimidating people who want to steal goods from the store. The systems have maximum efficiency if used in conjunction with video surveillance systems.


J-Plug Splitter 2 retail security

One solution for headphones, tablets, ultrabooks and convertibles

J-Plug Splitter 2 is a 2-in-1 solution. At the center is our new unique multi-purpose pendant. Simply by altering the attachments and layout of the cable, the Splitter 2 can easily be transformed. The 1 meter cable allows a good range, providing a full product experience. Customers can pick up and play without the feeling of security. Splitter 2 does not conform to traditional security attachments. The split design allows creativity and flexibility. A perfect solution for curved form factors such as speakers. Splitter 2 can provide multi-product protection. A perfect solution to demo wireless charging. The Splitter 2’s cable is armoured to enhance it's strength and visual deterrence. The new steel armour is designed to reduce dirt build up associated with the retail environment.

Plug-in Splitter 2 to alarm and charge any 5v device. Available in Lightning, Micro USB, Type-C, USB-A and Tamper. Splitter 2 has built in high speed charging, optional backup battery and new key. The 100db siren has been re-engineered to maximise air displacement and project room filling sound. While each quartile is illuminated by a single LED to easily identify the alarm’s status.

Easily customise Splitter 2 to secure a wide range of devices from headphones to laptops.

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Product security alarms

Provides safety for exposed products

Choose InVue anti-theft solutions to secure and power a wide range of products such as laptops, tablets, phones, recorder cameras, VR glasses, headphones, speakers, watches and many other products on display in specialized stores. All InVue anti-theft systems have implemented the patented IR key, thus being easy to use and offering high security to the exposed products.